Event Results: European Masters 2016 July 21 - 23

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TIP: Click on the player to see their hole-by-hole Metrix.

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TotTo par
?Green hit (GRH)         950%2444%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111111111 1111111117100%4898%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 7 
?Penalty (PEN)  1 1             2 3 
?Green hit (GRH)          844%2546%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111 11111111  11115100%5493%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)               3 4 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%2546%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)121111121 111111111989%5589%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 5 
?Penalty (PEN)       1         12 3 
?Green hit (GRH)         950%2546%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111211111111111111995%5793%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 1 
?Green hit (GRH)          844%2546%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11211111111112 1111989%5693%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)    1  1          2 4 
?Green hit (GRH)            633%2546%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11111111121111 1111894%5888%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 2 
?Green hit (GRH)         950%2343%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1112111211 12111112085%5888%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 3 
?Green hit (GRH)         950%2139%
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 211 11211111111111889%5491%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 5 
?Penalty (PEN)    1  1          2 7 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1935%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111111 1 1111111211794%5587%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 6 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 2 
?Green hit (GRH)         950%2241%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11111111111111 1211894%5691%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)   1              1 6 
?Green hit (GRH)            633%2343%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1112211111211111112186%5986%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 3 
?Penalty (PEN)            1     1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1426%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)211111111 111111111894%5695%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 5 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%2139%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2211 1111111 211111984%5491%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 5 
?Penalty (PEN)    1          2  3 7 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1731%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)121 1121 11111 1111788%5986%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)               3 3 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 3 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1426%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1 11 111 1112 11221782%5591%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)              4 4 
?Penalty (PEN)  1 1            13 3 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%1833%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111111211211112090%5793%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)               1  1 7 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1528%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)22 1 11111212111112080%5489%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 6 
?Penalty (PEN)    1      1      2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)            633%1426%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)121111111 111211111989%5494%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)   2              2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)          844%1935%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1311111211 11111112085%5986%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)            1     1 7 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%1630%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2111111111111111111995%5795%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)  1         1     2 3 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%1935%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2211111111111111112090%5893%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 3 
?Green hit (GRH)          844%2546%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)211111111 121122122277%7076%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)               2  2 4 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1426%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11 1111111112112122085%5791%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 5 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%1833%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111121111112121112186%6384%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%1528%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11 1111111111112111894%5791%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 2 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1324%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)212 111112111111112085%6085%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1324%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111112 11 111111211889%6087%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 2 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 1 
?Green hit (GRH)            633%1833%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111111  121 221883%6282%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)               3 3 
?Penalty (PEN)               1  1 3 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1630%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111211111112112090%5891%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 6 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%1731%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111111111121111995%5990%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 3 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1426%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2111111111112111112090%6285%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)        1         1 2 
?Green hit (GRH)          844%1833%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111112122111111122282%6384%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 4 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%1935%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11211121112111 1112085%6383%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 7 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1731%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111111111112111995%5888%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1  1    1     3 7 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1426%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111112111111111111995%6087%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 2 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 3 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1019%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111 1311111122112 2176%6087%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 2 
?Penalty (PEN)            1     1 1 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11 1211111111121111989%5793%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)            1     1 1 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 11 111 111111111115100%5096%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)               3 6 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 3 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1019%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1 1121111 11 11 111593%5194%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)              4 6 
?Penalty (PEN)1       11        3 5 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%1426%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1 1111111 122111111889%5986%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1          1  2 4 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1222%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111211111111111212090%6088%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 4 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1211121111111112112186%5990%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 2 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%1120%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11111111112  111121889%5392%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 5 
?Penalty (PEN)   11  2          4 8 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%1120%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111111112111212090%5992%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)               1  1 6 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1528%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111111211111111995%5893%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)   11             2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%1731%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1 21111212112112122374%6578%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)1   1          1  3 7 
?Green hit (GRH)          844%1528%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111121111221221112378%6682%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)  11              2 3 
?Green hit (GRH)            633%1222%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11111 1111 11121111794%5890%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 2 
?Penalty (PEN)               1  1 5 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111121111111111995%5695%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)       1       1  2 4 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1222%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1112121111111111 11989%5591%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 4 
?Penalty (PEN)       1      11  3 7 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%1324%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)21 1112211211111112181%6087%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)  1 1  1    1    15 7 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1019%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)12 1111111111111111894%5789%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)          844%1833%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11 1112121121112122277%6679%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 5 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1222%
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 12121112111111 111984%5493%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 4 
?Penalty (PEN)1      1       1 14 5 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111 11121111111111894%5886%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 4 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 1 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111111212  11 111 1688%5591%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)              4 4 
?Penalty (PEN)    1          1 13 10 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1324%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)212 11112 111111111984%5591%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 4 
?Penalty (PEN)        1         1 3 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1324%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11111112 1111 11111794%6480%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    2             2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1120%
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 1 112111111111  21688%5394%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)              4 4 
?Penalty (PEN)1   1             2 8 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1222%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1112111111221112 12181%6085%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 5 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)12 1111111111112111989%6087%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 6 
?Green hit (GRH)                  00%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1112131111 11111112085%5791%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)  1 1       1    14 6 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%1324%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2212111111 21111112181%6282%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1  1          2 4 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1 11211111121112112085%6185%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)        1         1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1222%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111111121 111111111894%5691%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)  2            1 14 9 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%713%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)21 1111112111111111989%5791%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)    1            12 4 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1120%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11111111111111111118100%6284%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 2 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 6 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1222%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111111122112 211112181%6285%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)1 1 1  1          4 6 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%713%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111 21 111111111111794%5493%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 4 
?Penalty (PEN)               1  1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111112 1 212111111984%6087%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 2 
?Penalty (PEN)  11        1     3 5 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111111111112111995%5986%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 3 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 0 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1222%
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 111112221111122112277%6185%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)  1              12 6 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111 111111 12212111984%5789%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 3 
?Penalty (PEN)1 1 2       1     5 11 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%713%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11111112111111 21 1889%6182%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 4 
?Penalty (PEN)   11   1   1     4 6 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2112112111111111112186%6087%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 2 
?Penalty (PEN)       1          1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1120%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111 1111 312111122080%6383%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 2 
?Penalty (PEN)            1     1 6 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1222%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11 111121111 121111889%5884%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 5 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 8 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%713%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1211 21111112 11111984%5688%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 5 
?Penalty (PEN)1   1   1   1     4 5 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1121111111112111112090%5990%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)1   1             2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1324%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1211121112211111112282%6583%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)    1      1      2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 1111111 11112111 1694%5784%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)               3 5 
?Penalty (PEN)   11   1      1  4 9 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111 11211121111111989%6187%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1          1  2 4 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 2 1111121 11111121883%5688%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)               3 5 
?Penalty (PEN)       11         2 6 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%59%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111 111111111 11 15100%5392%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)               3 5 
?Penalty (PEN)   1           1  2 8 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)21 1111111112111111989%5695%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)            1  1  2 6 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111112111111111111995%5986%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 7 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1019%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111121111111111111995%6583%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)  1               1 5 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)221 111111111111111989%6088%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)11  1          1  4 10 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%59%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111111111111121 111894%5398%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)    1       2     3 7 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1019%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1112121111111222112374%6279%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 5 
?Penalty (PEN)    1          1  2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111211111111111995%6088%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1   1      1  3 6 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%713%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111121121111111 11989%5786%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 5 
?Penalty (PEN)  1               1 5 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111211111111111 21989%5491%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 5 
?Penalty (PEN)1                 1 8 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%1019%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111111121112 11989%6284%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)    1   1      1  3 8 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%713%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111121121111212186%5988%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 2 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 4 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%1019%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111211212111 12 112080%6480%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1          1  2 7 
?Green hit (GRH)                  00%00%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)                  0NAN%0NAN%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)   1              1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%713%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2321111111111111112282%6285%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 4 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111111 111112112111989%5888%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)   1   11      1  4 10 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111111111212112090%5990%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1   2   1     4 6 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1 111111111111111117100%6088%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1  1          2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)                  00%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2111122121111111112282%6284%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 2 
?Penalty (PEN)    1          1  2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111 121111111111111894%5988%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)        1   1     2 7 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%47%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111111121111111 111894%6285%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 5 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11122211 1111111112085%6087%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)               2  2 8 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%713%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1121111211111111112090%6088%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)1   1  1       1  4 9 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%713%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11111122111111 1111989%6083%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)            633%1222%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1121111211 11111111989%6282%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 10 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%59%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111122111112121112282%5990%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1       1     2 7 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111111111122112090%5992%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)    1        1    2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%47%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)211 111112111111111989%6087%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)    1  1         13 8 
?Green hit (GRH)           739%1426%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2121131111111121112378%6682%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)        1  1   1  3 14 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111212111211112186%6381%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 3 
?Penalty (PEN) 1             1  2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%59%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1112111211111221212378%6680%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 3 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111121112121111212282%5888%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 3 
?Penalty (PEN)       1          1 8 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%36%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111 121111111221112085%6580%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)  1            1  2 5 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%59%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11111311111 1111111989%5890%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)       1          1 4 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1112112111121111212282%6779%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)               1  1 7 
?Green hit (GRH)                  00%24%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111111112111 111111894%6284%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)1                 1 5 
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1019%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111212111121122282%6287%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)       1    1     2 7 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2111111111111111111995%6187%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)1                 1 10 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%47%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2111111111211111112090%6088%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1    1     1  3 11 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1019%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1121112111111111212186%6583%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)       1       3  4 9 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%59%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111122111112111222378%7175%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1             1 6 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)2111111111111111111995%6189%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)  1            1  2 9 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%917%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111221112121211112378%6879%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)    2  1          3 6 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11121121111 2111112085%6184%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 3 
?Penalty (PEN)1   1          1  3 10 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111 11112 121 2111883%6379%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)               3 4 
?Penalty (PEN)    1   1   1  1  4 11 
?Green hit (GRH)                211%611%
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 1111111111111112 1794%6085%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)4      1          5 13 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1122121121111111112282%6680%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1  1          2 8 
?Green hit (GRH)              422%713%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1121111111111211112090%6978%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)    1   1         2 7 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%24%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111211111111122090%6287%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 0 
?Penalty (PEN)  1               1 8 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%47%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111111112111111111995%5596%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)  1 1             2 8 
?Green hit (GRH)               317%47%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1211111111111211112090%6483%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1  1         13 9 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%59%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111121111121111112090%6087%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)    1  1    1    14 13 
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%815%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111121121111122 12181%6384%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)   11          2  4 12 
?Green hit (GRH)                  00%24%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11111111 1222221112277%6481%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 2 
?Penalty (PEN)               2  2 14 
?Green hit (GRH)                  00%47%
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1112111111111121112090%6483%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)1           2  2 16 11