Konopiště Open 2016 will feature the top players from all over the world. The event takes place in the picture perfect park set in the grounds surrounding the Konopiště castle.
The first round of the Konopiště Open will be played on Thursday, May 5th.
Course & Area Map
Important locations of the event are included in map. You can download the map from here a bit closer to the event.
Tournament Center
Tournament center is the heart of the event. Here you can find the Pro Shop, info, toilets and a restaurant. Tournament center is located in the restaurant of Hotel Nova Myslivna.
Fan Zone
Starting from Friday afternoon until Saturday evening all spectators are invited to try disc golf on the public three holes disc golf course that surrounds the hotel Nová Myslivna. Every single visitor can win Disc Golf World Tour disc in the final day lottery. More info available at the fan zone so stop by for a visit!
Spectator Rounds
Do you want to try out the Franz Ferdinand course? The longest disc golf course on the whole Disc Golf World Tour? Then you should visit us on Sunday, when the course is open to public. One-round fee is 7 EUR or 200 CZK and has to be paid in advance in tournament centre.
Be careful. Even the best players make mistakes. You should look out and keep an eye on the discs, especially when you’re close to the fairway. If you notice a dangerous situation, please warn others by yelling loud. (FORE!)
Be mindful to others. Only use the marked paths and channels. Don’t go to people’s backyards. Watch out for cars when crossing roads. The course is set to a public park and there might be people who aren’t there for the disc golf event.
Keep fairways clear. Don’t go on the fairways when players are playing the holes. Don’t move if you’re in a player’s field of vision when he/she is throwing or concentrating on his/her throw. Keep your devices on silent or turn them off, especially if you’re close to the players. Don’t use flash when you take photos.
Autographs. You’re welcome to ask for players’ autographs but please do so before their rounds or after their rounds, when they have turned in their scorecards. The best place is at and around the tournament center.
Konopiště castle park
Zámecký park Konopiště, 10614, Benešov, Czech Republic
World Tour Event
05 Feb 2016Field: 144 players
Format: 3x 18 holes
Category: WT2
WT Points: 500
Purse: $20,000
Winning share: $2,500