Welcome to the European Open!
European Open 2016 will feature the top players from all over the world who gather to Nokia to compete for the Champions titles in Open and Women’s Open divisions.
The first round of the European Open will be played on Thursday, June 2nd.
Course & Area Map
Important locations of the event are included in map. Download the map.
Tournament Center
Tournament center is the heart of the event and it is located in the Nokia indoor ice rink. Here you can find the InnovaStore Pro Shop, info, toilets and kiosk. The tournament center’s address is Hinttalankatu 6, 37100 Nokia.
Event Village
Event Village is located outside of Nokia indoor ice rink. Here you can find different booths where you can buy for example food, sweets and beverages. Cafe Huvila, Liesikiesi and Fasfood Festival & Catering are selling food in the Event Village. Desserts and candies you can buy from Minetti, Namitaxi and VohBeli.
You can find activities for whole family. In the Event Village there is bouncing castle for kids and you can test your disc golf skills at putting competition and speed throw.
Spectator Rounds
During the European Open week spectators don’t have to settle to just watch the feats of the top players. Every disc golfer has a chance to get a first-hand experience of the Beast! Spectators get to play a round on Friday evenings after the actual tournament round on Friday and two times on Sunday.
Here are the details on spectator rounds and how they work.
Spectator round basic info
- 72 players per round at maximum.
- No more than 4 players per group.
- Shotgun start is used on all spectator rounds. (One group will start on every hole at the same time.) Starting holes and groups will be announced at the players meeting before each round.
- The organizer assigns players to specific groups.
- The exact starting time will be announced at the players meeting.
- There is no competition. Scorecard is for you to keep. Do not return the scorecard after the round.
- Remember to bring your own disc golf gear. Dress according to weather.
Players meeting
- All players must attend the spectators round players meeting 30 minutes before the round.
- The meeting is held at the tee of hole 1.
- Scorecards will be handed out at the players meeting.
Buying the ticket
- The spectator round entry fees won’t be refunded.
- One spectator round costs 10€.
- If you buy the spectator round ticket for someone else please mention that person’s name in the field reserved for it in the order form.
- If you’d like to play with your friends please mention their names in the field reserved for this purpose in the order form. Please note that we can not guarantee that everyone gets to play with their friends. We’ll try to honor the wishes to our best ability though.
- Keep the receipt and be prepared to present it if asked.
- You can buy your ticket from online-shop www.holvi.com/shop/spin18
- If spectator rounds are not sold out you can buy your ticket from kiosk at the tournament center. The primary method of purchasing is from the online store though.
Enjoy your round!
Be careful. Even the best players make mistakes. You should look out and keep an eye on the discs, especially when you’re close to the fairway. If you notice a dangerous situation, please warn others by yelling loud. (FORE!)
Be mindful to others. Only use the marked paths and channels. Don’t go to people’s backyards. Watch out for cars when crossing roads. The course is set to a public park and there might be people who aren’t there for the disc golf event.
Keep fairways clear. Don’t go on the fairways when players are playing the holes. Don’t move if you’re in a player’s field of vision when he/she is throwing or concentrating on his/her throw. Keep your devices on silent or turn them off, especially if you’re close to the players. Don’t use flash when you take photos.
Autographs. You’re welcome to ask for players’ autographs but please do so after their rounds when they have turned in their scorecards. The best place is near the last scoring station, near the 18th green.
Innova Champion Europe
Promoter: Jukka Teräs
World Tour Event
02 Mar 2016Field: 144 players
Format: 3 x 18 holes
Category: WT1
WT Points: 750
Purse: $24,100
Winning share: $2,500